Kentucky Wedding Photographers / Max Patch Mountain Campground Engagement Session
We had plans of going up to Max patch Mountain but as we were on the road, about three people stopped us and said, “DON’T DO IT!” Well, Tessa and Lars are adventurous, so we attempted to go up the mountain but when we came to the sheet of ice that caused us to immediately slip and slide, it was a no go. TOO SCARY! So we backed her up, and back down the mountain we went. We did see a jeep that had completely slid off the road, and was basically hanging in a tree… that was scary but thankfully the people were ok. So inevitably, we had to hang out around the campgrounds which was totally worth it when we found a little trail covered with snow. The farther down the mountain you went, the less snow there was on the ground. I loved hanging out with Tessa and Lars and I am SO EXCITED for their wedding day! Only 6 more months!!! Thank you for attempting to go to Max Patch with me guys! :)