Senior Session at the Fair / Abigail, Kaylyn, Isabelle - Class of 2018

So Abigail texted me about three days before this shoot asking if we could do some senior portraits at the fair. I think I did a little squeal because I have ALWAYS wanted to do this! I was pretty booked up for the week but I was able to make it work and I was STOKED! I arrived at 7, and the parking situation was CRAAAAZY! I waited for at least 25 minutes just to park so we got started just a little late and lost a LOT of light. I was beginning to get nervous as I've never shot in this kind of situation before, especially in the dark, with lots of people, but I think I handled it pretty well! This has turned out to be one of my favorite shoots :) 

It was sooooo much fun hanging out with the three of them. I love when we get to have fun on shoots, and also Abigail bought me some superman ice cream at the end of the night and that was definitely the highlight of my week. You can't find the good superman ice cream ANYWHERE anymore! 

So Abigail, Kaylyn and Isabelle, thanks for having me. It was sooooo much fun riding rides with you and exploring. 

I hope you guys enjoy this preview of their session! :)