Family Session in Albany, Kentucky / Kentucky Family Photographer / Olivia + Spencer
This family session was SO fun! Braden is THE cutest kid. He was so happy and so cooperative the ENTIRE TIME. Olivia + Spencer also just got engaged recently so we wanted to use their family session as kind of an engagement session also! We went to this creek they go to quite often down the road from their home and it was SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Braden fell down in the creek about 10 pictures in, so we had to strip him down. He was still so good, and you can see the love between them in the photos. Olivia's momma came along to give him candy when he needed a smile :) We ended in a rolling hills cow field at sunset where Braden told me allllllll about the cows! Seriously, that kid gets the cutest kid EVER award.
I hope you enjoy this preview of their session, and Olivia + Spencer, I wish you two the most AMAZING life of happiness and love!